Category Archives: funny

He’s Takin’ What I’m Givin’ ‘Cause He’s "Workin’" For a Livin’

Kostyn has recently discovered money. I think that’s partly because his daddy has been talking to him about why he has to go to work every day (which Kostyn hates), and partly because he just likes coins. He likes holding them, collecting them, keeping them from his brother and dropping them into his blue piggy bank that’s actually a bear.

So now that he kind of understands that people work for money, he has begun asking me if he can work for money. But, it turns out, he doesn’t want to work very hard, and by “very hard” I mean “at all.”

We had this exchange recently:

Kostyn: “Look, I have some money for work.” He handed me a penny and a small round piece of rubber. “Mommy, I want some money. I need some money to buy things.”

“Really?” I said absentmindedly, handing back his stash and continuing to put away his clean laundry.

“Give me some money,” he said, more to the point. “I need an urn.”

“You need an urn?” I asked, imagining him filling an urn with found coins and random rubber toy parts.

“Yes, I want money to earn.”

“Ohhh, EARN,” I said. “You want to earn some money? You need a job to do?”

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