This is not my librarian, but I sure can see her doing something similar, say, by Sept. 1. (Photo credit: Brandon Howell | The Bay City Times)
The last time I entered the library was June 24. I remember specifically because as the librarian was checking out the 18 children’s books I’d hastily plucked off the shelves while trying to keep two small children from committing any crimes related to county property, she greeted me with “Merry Half-Christmas Eve!!”
At the time I smiled and nodded, but inside I sneered, cursing this sweet woman so full of good cheer for mentally rushing me through summer. It’s JUNE, woman! I silently scoffed. When I got home I posted a snarky status update on Facebook about her, saying something like “outwardly I smiled; inwardly I decked her.” Ha-ha-ha, friends and family got a good chuckle out of the image of me punching a librarian in the kisser.
Turns out karma is a very real thing. Continue reading